The Halifax Academy Library and Media Center is a student-centered environment that promotes lifelong learning. The library's goal is to provide materials that complement the curriculum and meet the needs of our students. The library has three internet accessible computers as well as other resource materials.
Elementary and Middle School classes visit the library on a weekly basis to select books.
We also offer the Accelerated Reader program to students in grades one through eight. Accelerated Reader is an assessment tool that primarily determines whether or not a child has read a book. To use this assessment, students first read an AR book (a book that has a related quiz in the database and that is in our media center). Teachers monitor student reading and once the child has finished the book, he or she takes a quiz on a computer. The quizzes contain multiple choice questions depending on the book's difficulty and length. These questions ask literal comprehension questions. Students must correctly answer a set number of questions to pass an exam. The students receive a percentage of the points associated with the book depending on the number of questions answered correctly.